The Introduction

My name is Sabrina Dropkick and I like to fuck.

My name is Sabrina Dropkick and I’m a fat bitch that likes to fuck.

In a perfect world, my fatness would not affect my pussy beyond the literal sense in that I have a fat vagina (yes, they do exist.) I should be able to place fingers and pocket rockets and rubber dicks and real dicks in her with no regard to the rolls of my belly that stick out farther than my tits. I should be able to shove one’s head between my legs without concern for my thunder thighs or the fact that when I walk, they rub together with such intensity that they’re forever left bruised and scarred. My back fat and flabby arms and double chin shouldn’t cross my mind while making the commitment to either spit or swallow once a cock is between my cheeks. That looming number on the scale (266) should be irrelevant to the number of people I’ve allowed inside of me (16).

But they – my weight and my sex life – have joined forces. And, at once, the two were against me.


Read the rest of The Introduction: “Big, Fat Slut” here!

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